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It is important to hand your client some sort of written format of aftercare, but once the treatment has been completed, talk to them about what they need to do, for example, keeping the area clean, not touching the face continuously, because we do touch our faces over 200 times a day. So it is quite important to ensure that the area remains clean and apply the treatment, the aftercare twice a day, after the first day. So the first 24 hours, the area should be kept clean and then twice a day you apply the ointment. Always hand your client a card that explains to them what they need to do when they are applying the aftercare and how to look after the wound. Always get your clients back in four to six weeks after they have had their treatment. They cannot have the treatment before four to six weeks. Otherwise, if you apply any sort of pressure or needle to that area, it will cause scarring. Once they have had their top up, it may be possible that they may have to come for one more, so maybe three treatments, but normally this is a two-way process. So your client would come back for their top-up in 12 to 18 months' time.

Things to avoid once you have had any sort of micro pigmentation treatment, permanent makeup, microblading, or eyeliners. For eyebrows, try not to touch the area directly after, try not to go to the gym or have a sauna, or a swimming pool, because it will slow down the process of healing and it can sort of damage the work that has been done on your treatment. If it is an eyeliner, try not to touch the area, and again, no chlorine, saunas, for the first four or five days at least. And if you are having a lip treatment, no spicy food and smoking and perhaps not touching because potentially you could have a lot of cold sores, if you haven't had cold sores before, because having your lips tattooed can also have an effect on sort of your immune system and where you may not have had cold sores before, it may trigger cold sores. Also, it is important not to apply makeup directly to the area because the particles can go in and create a wound on your treatment again, so you want to try and avoid that and if you are using any tanning solutions or any creams, try and avoid the area that you have had tattooed or had treatment on because it can cause an infection. So it is really important not to apply anything in the area and to stop yourself from touching it continuously.

The day after you have had your treatment, the area will appear to look darker. For example, the eyebrows may be darker, so don't try to apply any makeup because it is the healing process, and you have to allow the area to heal without touching or putting any makeup on the area. With the eyeliner, it is exactly the same. It will appear darker but it will fade. So you should maybe leave the area untouched for four to five days, to allow the healing process. In four weeks, the area will have healed completely, the pigment can disappear and it can also return. So don't be alarmed if your client says that the pigment has gone because it will appear again, and this is part of the healing process.