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So now our client has left, we need to make sure that everything is now cleaned properly and sterilised. So what I am doing now is take away all the couch roll that you have been lying on, pop it into the yellow bag, like so. And now I am going to be moving over to the table and I am going to be starting to clear this area as well. The hand tool goes into the sharps box, as well as the blade. And then here, I'm going to just now start taking all away what I have used, folding it all up, like so, and it going into my orange bag.
So now, I'm going to start taking off all the barrier film. So just to let you know that I have put a clean pair of gloves on now and I am removing the barrier film off the trolley, all around the trolley and all around the lamps. So now I am going to show you how to remove your gloves and this goes into the waste bag. So now I will put the orange bag into the yellow bag here. This is now put into the large yellow bag in the bin and this will be taken away by a professional clinical waste company who will dispose of it in the correct way.
So this area now has to be sanitised using a medical sanitising spray. I use couch roll and I want to wipe all the surfaces that I have been using or touching.
For each area that I clean, I use a new sheet of paper towel. This goes into the bin. I am now wiping the top surface of my trolley, making sure that all the areas are properly cleaned. It is very important to keep all your areas pristine and clean by using your sterilising spray because any blood-borne pathogens might be around the area and you do not want to cross-contaminate when you have new clients laying on the massage table. It can work both ways. They could catch something from me or I could catch something from them, so this is why we need to always maintain that we have got very high hygiene standards.